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Existing customer wanting to upgrade account & merge oth

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:32 pm
by sodafox
I have set up 2 different accounts (domains) on 2 different basic accounts with Canadian Web Hosting. I need to add a third account.

I thought instead of having 3 and soon to be maybe 4 separate accounts, that I should upgrade one of my accounts and paying the difference for the upgrade and merging and having all the accounts in one account that can handle different and separate domain names with their own emails, passwords, etc.

Is it possible to upgrade an existing account to accomodate all this?

Thank you.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:52 pm
by tony

Yes you can upgrade to a plan with unlimited add-ons but just be aware that you will only have 1 CPanel login to manage all your sites. You are basically sharing 1 account with multiple sites.