Dragon Dictation iPhone App

Dragon Dictation iPhone App

Postby JoshuaA » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:29 pm

The app that I have been using more and more the last few weeks is Dragon Dictation. This app allows me to speak into my phone and it will type out what I am saying. Once a I have finished speaking the app gives me the options to send the Text via Email, SMS or even post to Facebook or Twitter. This app is pretty accurate and has very few misinterpreted words as long as I speak speak slow and clear.

Helpful Hint: If you need to add a comma, period, question mark etc. at the end of a sentence you just say "period" "question mark" "comma"etc. This was the tricky part for me to get used to!
Example: Hello comma how are you today question mark will be Hello, how are you today?

This app is free so check it out!

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